I've spent sometime here looking backwards at this past year, well and the the year before. In '07 I barely rode 2000 miles. I didn't do any races. I ran more than I ever have. I really needed to get off the bike to enjoy it again. In 08 I will be close to 8000 miles on the bike. Not a record by any means, but descent. In 09 I hope to get over 12K miles.
The first couple of races I did this season I got dropped. The first was within the first 7 miles of the race. I regained my fitness pretty well, actually getting a win up in New York at the raccoon rally. All my other races I was active for the team, so I never really had great results. Next year I want to be in better shape than this year, so even if I get spent working for the team during a race, I'll still have enough left in the tank to be a lot closer at the finish. Their are a lot of really strong riders on Lake Effect. I love racing with them and being apart of the team. I'll be able to race at westlake in 09, so I'll have more ride time with them. I'm looking forward to next year. it should be fun.