Wednesday, November 26, 2008

FTP test

When the Boogieman goes to sleep at night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris!

So I took a threshold power test this morning. I averaged 255 watts for the 20 TT minute effort. I'm not sure if thats good or bad for my weight. While I was doing the test I felt like I was at my limit, but once I was done, I had the feeling I could have gone a little harder. So I gave myself the precieved exertion rating of 18-19 out of 20. I get the next couple of days off officially, but I'm sure I'll end up riding. I feel better when I ride everyday, even if my "off" days are just light, easy rides. I re-arranged my riding room just recently. So that makes it a little better to get up in early a.m. to ride. Just because it's different, it makes it a mental difference, it's the little things in life that make you happy. Right? Watch out for Chuck!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

...a dish best served cold.

Chuck Norris does not own a stove, oven, or microwave , because revenge is a dish best served cold.
I was surfing the web this morning and I came across all these crazy Chuck Norris sayings. They're freaking too funny. I just liked this one about revenge. I'm always looking for a a new form of motivation. I once had a year I called "year of the kill Dave". I was PO'd at this guy and I was devoted to crushing him in every race I could. It led to me having a great season. I won 3 straight road races and had a crazy amount of top 5 finishes including a a second place in a 6hr mountain bike race.
Since I have no one I wish to go Chuck Norris on next season, perhaps revenge on the Caesar's Ghost will have to be motivation enough. I may or not actually race there in '09, but I can pounce on every race like it was my last and take out my eggression on all the others. Perhaps I can make up for it in quantity rather than actually racing on that specific course.
I use to have unlimited confidence in my riding ability. But not so much any more. Its amazing what you can do on a bike when you're in a zone and peak condition. One of the things I need to "minus" this winter is about 15 pounds. It sucks to get old. Can I find motivation there? But there is my problem, ice cream, like revenge, is also a dish best served cold. That's a weakness! Shhh...don't tell anyone!
So here's to a year with out a true motivation. maybe I'll find one beyond just wanting to be faster over all.

I also had to share this video...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Let it snow!

I had some "longer" riders this weekend. I did 2 hours inside on Saturday (it was cold and raining) and then I did 3 hours of endurance on my mountain bike outside on Sunday. It was the first time this fall/winter I've gotten to ride in snow. It was about 35 degree's, so not too cold, but after a while your feet get wet and really cold and man can that start to hurt! Winter time riding presents all sorts of new challenges. Your fluid can freeze along with your eyelashes and nose hairs. The key is layers and good wicking base layers. Personally I can tollerate riding outside when the temps get down into the low twenties as long as it's dry. I wont ride in rain below 50 degrees. I'd rather sit inside on my computrainer than suffer through that.
I'll have to start carrying a camera for my long winter rides. I saw some really cool stuff. Without the leaves on the trees. there is definitly a lot more stuff you can see. I don't know how many times yesterday I said to myself "Wow, I didn't know that was there".
I had thought about racing cross this season, but I decided not too. I felt that I needed some down time in October so that thru cross out the window. My coach Sean has a FTP test planned for me next week so I'm excited to do that and get some results. I feel like I'm riding well and have a good idea of what I need and would like to work on. Hopefully my next season can have more mountain biking involved in it. For the variety and the fact its just fun.
I had a one of those "man...this sucks" moments this morning. As I got into my main set my rear tire blew out and I got a flat...ON MY TRAINER! So I had to hurry up and change wheels and finish up my ride. There's always something.
So let it snow! Lets get this winter started now so it'll be over in march like it should be, not in late April like it has been the past few years.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The "OFF" season

So in cycling there is no true "off" season. I'm well aware of that fact. If you want, you can go from spring to fall and race pretty much non stop around here. Whether its road bike, mountain or cyclocross, you can do it. The key is trying to balance training, racing, and life so as not to get burned out.
I ended up training all of last year for the State Championship race in Caesar Creek, Ohio. It was suppose to be in June, then it got bumped to September, then it got moved to October. Ok, seriously who can train for such a thing like that? I'm telling you its the GHOST! The first bump was ok, I had enough time to rest and then rebuild. But the second move was just bad. The wheels pretty much came off. My biggest mistake race day was using a new mixture of stuff in my water. It screwed up my stomach with THE worst cramps I've ever had. Sadly the break I was in, despite feeling like I had gotten punched square in the gut, got chased down by a team who had a guy in the break. Go figure! He wasn't the guy they were working for. So my misfortune there too. What's funny is, this team that chased us down, didn't even get anyone in the top 3. Karma! (or ghost?)

So now I attempt to refocus on next season. I'd love to be able to get my cat 2 upgrade. So we'll see how that goes. My coach Sean Gilbert from Bike Authority did a fine job this past summer getting me in shape. So I know it can happen again. I'm not sure if I want to focus on one big race again or just try to be as fast as possible and ride as much as possible.

So again, there is no "off" season. I've gone right from racing to a little down time this past couple of weeks right back into 2009 training.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The beginning of November

With this being my first official post, I'll keep it short. This is the story of my good time on and off the bike. i will use this to track my riding, races and the stories of my life. It boils down to my struggles at the Caesars Creek course. I've raced there 4 or 5 times and I have never done well. From hitting a mail box to just having stomach problems. It haunts me like a ghost I can't get off my back. This is my story...